Maika Global’s Annual Guide to Give

The 2020 holiday season is in full swing, and in the spirit of giving, Maika Global employees have put together a short blog series in hopes of inspiring friends, family, and maybe a stranger or two to give this year.

Check out Founder, Madison's recommendations below!

The International Rescue Committee

Helping people to survive, recover and reclaim control of their future.

The IRC is at the front lines of the refugee crisis. They help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. The IRC is highly acclaimed as one of the highest-ranking nonprofits for accountability, transparency, and efficient use of contributions! So, if you choose to donate, your money will be used to fund programs that deliver lifesaving care to people fleeing conflict and natural disaster.

In 2018, a friend of Founder Madison asked for help to plan a fundraiser for the IRC. He was fed up with the way refugees were being treated domestically and abroad and he knew that Madison shared similar frustrations. Together they put on an event and ended up raising over $2,000 for the IRC!

It was her first independent fundraiser (not for work, school, or an organization she was directly involved with) and it was a huge success. While Madison’s friend was actually the one to introduce her to the IRC, she has since fallen in love with the organization and all that they do. Want to know why? Check out these 10 Reasons to Give to the IRC.

If you are interested in giving to the IRC, you can donate to the website directly. In lieu of gifts for your friends or family (and a good way to say I love you while staying at home) think about making a tribute donation in their honor.

Another fun way to donate is through a symbolic Rescue Gift, we think this is a great way to feel more connected to where your money is going. You can choose from options like a Year of School for Two GirlsClean WaterNewborn Baby Kits, and Women's Small Business Training! There are over 40 options ranging from $15 to $1,500 making this an affordable and meaningful gift for anyone!

If your budget is tight this year, think about volunteering your time!

The Natural Resources Defense Council's (NRDC)

The purpose of the NRDC is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants, its animals and the natural systems on which all life depends. We work to restore the integrity of the elements that sustain life - air, land, and water - and to defend endangered natural places. We seek to establish sustainability and good stewardship of the Earth as central ethical imperatives of human society. NRDC affirms the integral place of human beings in the environment. We strive to protect nature in ways that advance the long-term welfare of present and future generations. We work to foster the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decisions that affect their environment. (Charity Navigator)

It is a no brainer why we would support this organization; they work to protect the Earth from forces working to destroy it and to create a sustainable and healthy world for future generations. SIMPLE. It is also important to highlight How They Work, the NRDC focuses their efforts in five main ways:  

Science | Litigation | Advocacy | Business | Partnerships

Donate on their website or if you’re short on cash this year – like so many of us get involved for free. Simple things like signing up for a Newsletter or calling your local congress person can make a huge difference in staying informed and taking action!


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Annual Guide to Giving: Maika Global Employee Series, Haley
You don’t need money to make a difference this holiday season. Dive into charities near and dear to us here at Maika Global.
Annual Guide to Giving: Money, Time, Attention!
You don’t need money to make a difference this holiday season. See our entire holiday giving guide here!
Annual Guide to Giving: Maika Global Employee Series, Maria
You don’t need money to make a difference this holiday season. Dive into charities near and dear to us here at Maika Global.